Monday, August 15, 2011

Pay it Forward

I want to tell you a little about this very fun project for bloggers named Pay it Forward 2011 I read about it in my friend Andrea's blog , it consists in (here I will copy and paste, thanks Andrea for this involuntary help :)

The idea is that the blogger who signs up for this project (that would be me) has to send in the mail a little something handmade to the first five people to leave a comment on her blog (that would be you), if and only if those five people who leave a comments also commit to doing the same (i.e. talking about the “paying it forward” project on their own blogs and sending five hand made items to the first five people who comment), thus paying it forward… get it? The items don’t have to be fancy or big, just a little something to celebrate the spirit of sharing.

This will be a challenge since I'm not very dedicated to my blog and, frankly, I doubt five people are following it, but it will not stop me, it seems to me like lots of fun already.
I have something in mind for the gifts, it is suitable for males or females alike and for all ages, it is not in my Esty shop er anywhere else then, if you want to find out you need to PLAY!

The pictures above show the wonderful pinch pouch I got in the mail inside a fat, mysterious and promising envelope a couple of weeks after I decided to participate and Pay it Forward... It came accompanied by an also hand made (heart made) beautiful card and the whole thing made me feel again the pure joy of playing for the sake of it, as we do in childhood. Thanks Andrea and thanks to whoever decides to play along.


  1. I hope the pouch is useful to you and thanks for "Paying it Forwards"!

  2. You are very welcome and I will love to use the pouch to carry my MP3 player! Just found out it's perfect for that... :)
